sábado, 22 de febrero de 2014
La generosidad de Miss Ward
Hoy había un partido de los Cards, y J.R Ward como buena fan y aficionada de ellos no iba a perderse el partido, y ha dicho a todo el colectivo de histericas que le siguen "si ganan cuelgo una cita de The King" y GRACIAS A DIOS, ESOS CARDS HAN ESTADO A LA ALTURA!
Y he aquí el fragmento en cuestión, entre John Matthew y Beth.
“Xhex is one lucky female,” Beth said roughly.
It’s the other way around. Trust me—why are you looking like that? (Italics.)
“Like what?”
John Matthew seemed to flush. As if you’re going to cry. (Italics.)
She batted away the concern. “Allergies. I always get watery eyes
this time of year. Maybe I’ll pick up some Claritin while we’re out tonight.”
In the middle of December? (Italics.)
-The King, pg. 134
viernes, 21 de febrero de 2014
The King Quotes
Y volviendo al tema de "La hermandad de la daga negra"
Se sabe que sale a la venta "The King" el 1 de Abril (QUEDA NADA!)
Y ahora en Marzo Ward empezara colgar las citas diarias <3 pero ya nos ha deleitado con 2, y aqui os los adjunto,E STOY EMOCIONADA! LO QUIERO YA!
Y sobretodo, lo que espero de ese libro, aparte de ver de algo de Zsadist que me lo tiene olvidado la tia, alguna escena de pareja de Qhuay <3
With a quick shift, Wrath pulled Beth against him, holding her to his naked body. She was a tall female, but even so she barely came up to his pecs, and as he closed his eyes, he curled himself around her.
“I want you to know something,” he said into her hair.
As she went still, he tried to pull something worth hearing out of
his ass. Some string of words that were even in the same zip code as what was doing in his chest.
“What,” she whispered.
“You are everything to me.”
-The King, pg. 24
With a quick shift, Wrath pulled Beth against him, holding her to his naked body. She was a tall female, but even so she barely came up to his pecs, and as he closed his eyes, he curled himself around her.
“I want you to know something,” he said into her hair.
As she went still, he tried to pull something worth hearing out of
his ass. Some string of words that were even in the same zip code as what was doing in his chest.
“What,” she whispered.
“You are everything to me.”
-The King, pg. 24
Wrath cleared his throat and leaned in. “What . . . what is she wearing?”
“White. Calf-length. Loose. She’s escorted by her brother and carrying a pink rose that Rhage took from the bouquet in the center of the table.” There was a pause. “Her eyes are right on you, and that smile of hers? Million bucks, my friend. Million f**king bucks.”
-The King, pg. 418
Wrath cleared his throat and leaned in. “What . . . what is she wearing?”
“White. Calf-length. Loose. She’s escorted by her brother and carrying a pink rose that Rhage took from the bouquet in the center of the table.” There was a pause. “Her eyes are right on you, and that smile of hers? Million bucks, my friend. Million f**king bucks.”
-The King, pg. 418
Backstreet Show!
Esta semana estuve en Madrid con el objetivo de asistir a mi primer concierto de los Backstreet Boys.
Creo que tras 20 años ya era hora de verlos no? y NO ME ARREPIENTO PARA NADA!
Llegamos a Vistalegre a las 16.00 de la tarde, las puertas las abrian en teoria a las 19.00h pero no abrieron lo menos hasta las 20.15 y pico, estabamos ya desesperadas!
Ya una vez dentro a buscar hueco, no estabamos mal situadas, el escenario tenia una pasarela en forma de T y gracias a eso que pudimos verlos tan de cerca, sino, no les habriamos visto demasiado mal pero al estar eso era como tenerles casi encima.
Primero salieron los teloneros "The Exchange", no les conocia en absoluto pero en fin, no estaban mal, animaron mucho el ambiente.
Y a las 21.30h por fin, salieron ellos!
Comenzando con The Call...! qué jodida emocion con todo! verlos tan de cerca, cantar canciones que marcaron mi infancia, fue todo muy apoteósico, y poder escuchar mi balada favorita de ellos "10.000 promises" no tiene precio. Aunque eché en falta a "Bigger"
Ellos fueron super simpaticos y agradables, y que decir que iban todos guapisimos, los fui mirando a todos, los 5 uno a uno para no perder detalle.Hablando en español, cantandole el happy birthday a Brian (al dia siguinte era su cumpleaños) fue genial, volveria sin duda.
Aqui dejo algunas fotitos.

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